Winter Wheat Hat

For those of you who don't follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Ravelry, I released a new pattern yesterday! It's my first for-sale pattern EVER and it's available for purchase on Ravelry and my brand spankin' new website! Don't worry, there are many more freebies coming down the pipeline from me, but I've been working so hard on this one, I thought it would make a great first for-sale pattern. I priced it at $3 so hopefully it won't break the bank. :)

This design idea came about months ago when I saw this stitch pattern used somewhere.  I loved the look of it and struggled to find examples of it knit in the round. After a little bit of playing with it, I figured out a seamless way to knit this pattern in the round!  I think it looks really pretty.

I showed my best friend the prototype I knit in the pattern and she said that the stitch pattern looks like stalks of wheat and I should knit it in a more golden hue. Done! I grabbed a skein of Berroco Flicker, which lends itself perfectly to this design with it's elasticity and little hint of sparkle, and the Winter Wheat Hat was born! I hope you enjoy it, I really had a lot of fun designing this one. It also has a unique crown decrease which reminds me of pie, so how can you go wrong there?

Yesterday was kind of a big day for me in many ways. I also launched my new website: which has been a work in progress since the beginning of the year. My dear friend Amber over at Hold Steady Designs made the site for me and I absolutely love it! My goal is to fill it with all kinds of useful knitting, crochet, sewing, cooking, and general homesteading tips that you all can use. Since I love so many different things, I found a way to combine all of my loves in that one place. The heart of that website will remain on this blog, but I hope you all will take a look around and let me know what you think!

Also, I started work on what will be my first design as the official in-house designer at Jimmy Beans Wool! About a month ago, my boss Laura (aka. Jimmy) called me into her office and told me that JBW was ready to begin exploring their creative side more. She wanted me to be the first in-house designer for JBW and begin re-vamping our entire free patterns library, create new patterns every month, as well as start to create a vision for the future of Jimmy Beans Wool's creative team! I am so honored to be given the task and could not be more excited. I'll continue to blog here and design as Marinade Designs of course, but I am so very thrilled to be able to do this--It's been my dream job for YEARS!

To top of my excitement of the new pattern, job, and website, I also won a free set of Addi Click needles over on Alex Tinsley's knitting and design blog "Dull Roar" yesterday! Thanks again Alex! I seriously must have some good Karma or something because life is on a roll right now!

In any case, I better sign off and get to work! I hope you all have a great rest of your week!
